Marketing 2020

Marketing 2020 – December 2017

In June 2007 Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, presented the first iPhone. This was not just ‘another’ new product launched by a commercial company, but rather a turning point that changed our lives in so many areas. Within a decade customers changed – they are less loyal to brands, demand an immediate response to receive individually-tailored products, and use their cellphone for a large share of their purchases.

E-commerce currently has a turnover of over USD 2 trillion, and Israel is among the 15 leading countries in this area.

Commercial companies in all economic sectors have had to adapt to the new consumer and to change their marketing organization accordingly. The success of a marketing campaign depends on a combination of factors: cooperation between various databases, responding to customer needs, a personal message and providing added value.

We met with CEOs and marketing managers from different economic sectors who described how they are adapting to the new age and revealed a range of innovations which you can read about in the magazine: an artificial intelligence system that learns the customer’s needs and offers an individually-customized solution, smart systems for analyzing leads that did not culminate in a deal, connecting the IoT world to 4th generation cellular technology, using drones to make video clips, and much more.

To all the articles published in Marketing 2020


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