
Despite a severe lack of resources, the Israeli medical system in Israel is considered the most advanced of its kind in the world, with the best doctors, technologies and groundbreaking discoveries that make Israel a true leader in the medical field.

The advanced technology enables doctors and researchers reach significant and far-reaching achievements, which seemed unattainable until now.

The unique medical-marketing magazine “Medicine” was produced in cooperation with the commercial department of Haaretz newspaper ‘TheMarker’.

Among the topics discussed in this issue:-Cart t transplantation – the breakthrough in hemato-oncology – Prof. Irit Avivi and Prof. Zelig Ashchar,’ Ichilov’ hospital, Tel Aviv

-Trauma in Israel – an interview with Prof. Avi Rivkind – director of the trauma unit at ‘Hadassah’ hospital, Jerusalem.

-New technologies in aesthetics and a discussion on the practice of aesthetic treatments.

-New technologies in medicine – a variety of new technologies that will be integrated into the health system for the treatment of various diseases.

-New studies that will make a significant change in various disease treatments.

Technologies from the field of electro-optics for uses in the fields of medicine – Prof. Shmuel Strankler, Ariel University.


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